About me

Bildet mitt
Haugesund, Rogaland, Norway
I am 35 years old. Living in the western parts of Norway in a city called Haugesund... I work on the oilrigs in the norwegian sector of the north sea. At home, waiting, is my wife and lifepartner Vibecke and two boys, Karl Johan and Jonathan and princess Julie Tala. I am fairly interrested in politics and worldwide happenings, and I usually have something to say on everything, so this blogging thing is just perfect...

Rumble in the Jungle...

Rumble in the Jungle...
Siste skanse...


Jeg minner om at alt innhold er publisert uten ansvar for hva enkeltpersoner måtte mene om det. Innhold er ikke absolutt og heller ikke altfor ofte basert på alment aksepterte fakta. Her skriver jeg det som passer meg, og tar meg den friheten å mene noe om det jeg vil, når det passer meg :) Nettet er herlig!

16 mai 2010

Another day,another penny...

I have always been reminded of how fortunate we are, me and others who work offshore.
We earn good money, we dine from a large selection of hot dishes and have smorgasboard every day, we have 3 or 4 weeks off after every 2 weeks offshore, and on and on it goes. I do count myself amongst the fortunate one's.
-Yes, I do have a good job.
-Yes I earn good money.
-Yes, I have 4 weeks off after 15 days offshore.
-And yes, I do have the choice of different dishes when I go to the mess room to eat.
Well, then what's there to say, more than: Good for you, enjoy your stay offshore!
-As usual I want to have a say on the matter as well. BIG SURPRICE! ( That's why I started this blog, remember?)

When I am offshore, I work for 12 hrs. Sometimes 16. 12 hrs x 14 days is 168 hrs total. That's 84 hrs a week, not counting overtime! How many of you landlubbers can say the same?

Sure, I eat well. Not as well as some think though. Cuisine on my workplace passed away years ago from economical causes. But we get fed. -And fat. Which we get constantly reminded of during our bi-annual health-exams and by offshore medic's.

Yes, I make good money. As a kid, I used to dream about having a job that paid a million per year. I didn't get a general education as everyone told me to get if I wanted to earn "real" money. I passed my three years at vocational school, got my papers (how did that happen?) and attended a 5 weeks course for working offshore as a wirelineoperator. Which in turn lead me to where I am now.... Earning a million ( We're not talking $ here guys, norwegian krone is my currency.)

What a prick, you say. No education and no degree and still getting paid a lot of money. Unfair!

Guess what, I'll let you into a little secret:

I don't care so much for the money or the fine meals anymore. My main concern when I go offshore is not how much money I get paid or wether the tenderloin beef on saturday nigth is tender enough. I use the last few days of my time off worrying for my family, my wife, my three kids!
It is not fun for me to leave them for 15 days.
It is not fun for me letting my wife do all the work by herself.
It is not fun for me to put my family second to work.
But guess what; I have to! This is what I do, this is what I have done my whole working life, this is all I know how to do for a living...

And that sucks! But I love my job, do not misunderstand me. I am even pretty sure that I am good at what I do. But I seriously doubt that I would have started working offshore NOW, after having a family of my own. That would be to much. Because I love them, and I miss them every second of my working schedule. That is the price we have to pay, both me and them. Luckily they are very supportive and understanding.
My wife is fantastic in the way she cope with the kids and her work alltogether.

She is truly my everyday hero!

As for what I earn, I contribute to norwegian welfare by paying the equvivalent to my wife's gross income in annual taxes, so I do not even feel guilty for what I earn. I just hope that someday when me or my family need something in return from the government, my years spent paying for and working for our common welfare will give me something in return.

I guess that's what it is all about, giving and getting... It sureis better than envying the neighbours paycheck.

Have a nice day all!

"My dog is worried about the economy because dogfood is up to 99 cents a can. That's almost $7.00 in dog money."
-Joe Weinstein

01 mai 2010

Another penny, another thought

Hi, I guess the blog haven't really caught on yet :)
But thanks to my former neighbour who bothered to stop by and leave a comment.
If anyone (is there anybody out there?) wonder why I write this in english, it is simply because I have a cousin in Miles City, MT who promised me he'd read in every now and then. So here's to you Nobby ;)

This weekend I am a single dad, but not to worry, she'll be back on Sunday (I hope).
I guess everyone deserves some time off from housekeeping, work and screaming kids. Unfortunately my time off is usually spent "alone" offshore. I'd much rather stay at home and get overrun by three crazy kids, but the bread needs to be put on the table, right? Hopefully the kids will be self-supplied before I get too old to hang around in some exotic paradise on the other side of the planet, or to senile to remember i ever visited! - a quick diversion from what I was supposed to tell you; I am, as I said, a single Dad for a couple of days. Which I thought could be a fairly relaxing weekend. My things to do list was as follows:

-Get up, make breakfast.
-Let kids watch childrens tv while I read newspaper.
-Take kids outside and play for a while.
-Make dinner.
-Put kids to bed.
-Have my well deserved beer :)

However, as anyone who's ever been in the army knows: even the best laid plans will fail at first enemy contact! So, Friday have been like this:

-Woke up at 6:20, baby crying.
-Got up, change diapers, had two paracetamol and a fistful of vitamine-C tablets due to sore throat and runny nose. Slight fever (which is much worse for me than anyone else, I think I'm probably allergic to fever!)
-Drove kids to school. Drove wife to work.
-Collected wife @ work, drove her to bus station and saw her off.
-Drove home, fed kids, put baby to sleep, had 1/2 hour nap myself.
-Had to wake angry baby to get her to birthdayparty in time. Dressed her as wife told me to. Had to fix baby girls hair. No instructions attached,managed to place two pigtails unevenly on head...
-Went to party. Placed cake and jell-o unevenly on babys clothes and face.
-Got home, fed baby, ordered pizza, got baby to bed.
-Had quiet and nice evening with my two boys. Got them to bed at 10.30 pm.
-Found out that I forgot to buy beer, panic! Labourday tomorrow. Shops closed!!!
-Wrote frustrated notes in my Blog!

Now, I am not to complain about this. I know! Much people worse off than me. But you see, I haven't had the proper training for this, and I need some time...
And what really p***** me off about it all is that it is the damn communists fault!

You may ask why, and I'll tell you: The communists gave us the left wing which in terms gave us Labour day, which is really a day off for everyone to be working in the garden after communism died (really, it's dead!!! Don't let anyone lead you to believe anything else) Not even the labour party members bother to march on labour day anymore! AND, it is on a saturday this year, time off for most everyone anyway!
So I blame the commies for me having to spend tomorrow evening wothout beer, as I already drank the ones I had at home, which is most likely why I am writing this ballony right now.

So, if you think this is all B.S, blame communism, I do!!!

Have a nice evening :)