About me

Bildet mitt
Haugesund, Rogaland, Norway
I am 35 years old. Living in the western parts of Norway in a city called Haugesund... I work on the oilrigs in the norwegian sector of the north sea. At home, waiting, is my wife and lifepartner Vibecke and two boys, Karl Johan and Jonathan and princess Julie Tala. I am fairly interrested in politics and worldwide happenings, and I usually have something to say on everything, so this blogging thing is just perfect...

Rumble in the Jungle...

Rumble in the Jungle...
Siste skanse...


Jeg minner om at alt innhold er publisert uten ansvar for hva enkeltpersoner måtte mene om det. Innhold er ikke absolutt og heller ikke altfor ofte basert på alment aksepterte fakta. Her skriver jeg det som passer meg, og tar meg den friheten å mene noe om det jeg vil, når det passer meg :) Nettet er herlig!

02 november 2004

Upcoming Election

In just over 24 hrs, there will be decided who is going to be the worlds most powerful? human being for the next 4 years.

I just saw the final spastic attempts from senator Kerry and Dubya to gain those last votes.
And of course the both end up with the typical american throw around; God Bless America....

Of course he would, but what about the rest of the world?
I'm hoping, God, that you bless the rest of us poor humans around the world and vote for Kerry!
If not so, I will have to start building that undergound survival chamber in my basement, 'cause I am afraid that his die-hard-with-a-unlimited-licence to take away innocent lives will destroy the little threads tha still holds our fragile society together....

-I'm hoping that all people in the U.S of America with a wish for a peaceful world makes the right decicion on Nov. 2

God bless us All!